Sunday, November 11, 2012

The American Election

When I look at the election that just passed, I shake my head and wonder how anyone could accept the stuff coming at them from Romney and pals. They were, and still are, talking of putting the United States back fifty or more years with their views on human rights, welfare, women, and abortion to name a few. Yet there must have been a lot of people wanting to move the world back, because the race to the White House was close… too close. Thank goodness there were enough thinking people to save the nation.
Do people actually believe those attack ads? Did they actually hear what this batch of Republicans said? Divisiveness is splitting the country right down the middle? Perhaps people are so busy with their own demands and stresses that they don’t see what’s coming. Or is it that they just don’t know what to do to fix it.
I work hard to be as non-partisan as possible, and believe me; if the Democrats were shovelling out the same stuff heard during this latest campaign I wouldn’t like them either. An interesting thing about people is; once they have learned and advanced, you cannot make them forget and return to the old ways.
It looks like the United States is in very serious trouble. Not just fiscally, but at a much deeper level, because the civil war never ended. The battle between the states is still being fought as the Tea Party ripped the Mason-Dickson line wider and deeper and the minorities are caught in the middle.
The problem with this mess is that the US is going to take everyone else down with them. It appears that without cooperation, the economy is on the verge of complete collapse, and, because the world economy is so closely tied, everyone will be pulled down into economic collapse with them. Will we have a depression brought on by hubris? This is scarier than any horror movie Hollywood could ever produce. Is there a way to appeal to the Republicans to soften their position and compromise? And if they refuse, it is up to the people must remember that fact at the next election. The Occupy Movement told us in clear terms that they were fed up with the 90/10 split of money and demanded a change.
There is one last aspect to be considered, and that is the enormous greedy corporations that began this whole downslide. We may think they belong to the specific country where they have established their base, but on closer examination, they are actually operating as though they are a country unto their own. The country of oil, the country of big banks, the country of consumerism, and the country of…you name it. As long as they flourish and make enormous profits, that’s all that is required. Their employees may live in the United States, Canada, England, and Europe, but those places are irrelevant. The truth is, the mega-companies are simply using space, people, and resources of those places and have little connection or obligation to them. Hence they can walk away from the taxes and other obligations to the people. Their only mandate is profit and they will do whatever is needed to make that happen.

1 comment:

  1. What this election showed is that working with each other for the common good is the direction that our nation is heading. It was a real wake up call that what Americans want is a progressive agenda. We have a coalition of women, minorities, and young people who are going to move this country in the direction of progress. Even if people voted for Romney, most Americans want the rich to pay more in taxes as well as the poor will not be asked to become scape goats. Basically this race was lost by "angry old white men" and they are not going to get "their country back". It is ironic that the most people to get more from the federal government than they put in are in all the RED states. We in the BLUE states are prosperous and we believe in federal and not state government. I think prosperity consciousness won over austerity consciousness. Love was stronger than hate.

    As the Republicans found out, being a community organizer wins elections. They also found out that all these political attack ads and big super packs got no bang for their buck. They got their clocks cleaned. Obama won by 100 in the electoral college even if the popular vote was won by 3 million it really doesn't matter and as much as those Republicans complained about facts and statistics, they really had no idea of how to win based on the system in place. Obama had his usual grass roots campaign and got out the vote in the places that were needed. Who cares who carries Oklahoma or Idaho? All the Red states are the uneducated and the Fox News nation, poor things. This was a landslide for women and progressives in our Congress, the Tea Party sunk their own party and instead of what could have been a defeat for Obama, they lost in the Senate and the House.

    The US is not going down. Just wait an see, next year we are going to have a wonderful year because finally the Republicans who have been standing on the watering hose with their foot are being forced to take their foot off and play ball. Karma is such a bitch. Don't worry about these powerless fools, Obama is in a win win situation, nobody is going to remember Romney, and those old retired white people may wake up and throw their tea bags down the trash bin.

    I could not be more optimistic that the new age is coming and we are seeing that love one another is the route. Our old folks are passing away and our younger generation are more evolved, it is their world... yes it has been an extremely busy few weeks and now I am preparing to go back down to Florida..... glad you got that blog going...... be positive about what is ahead and thanks for your insight...xxoo, Carol
